Összes oldalmegjelenítés

2010. október 5., kedd

Labour movement poem it here -for left ones/satire/

The bottom of the sky glows red Lenin a comrade retains him
Sickle hoe hammer look at the bottom of the sky only
Aurora if he gives a signal until a flavour up for all evil
Let us come against a winter palace our man will be ours
Lenin lived but for what,
Lenin lives I believe it
Lenin will live

The bottom of the sky glows red hammer the sign on him
Workers' fight up Sztahanov the machine man
600% I am it, for Sztálin for a homeland if he is needed
Gulag our reward will be a half with foot in the grave we are
Lenin lived but for what
Lenin lives I believe it
Lenin will live

The bottom of the sky glows red skull the sign on him
For the party for the folk once our fish.
Our password liar and hypocrite
We communist youngsters we lie because
Lenin lived but for what
Lenin lives I believe it
Lenin will live...

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