Összes oldalmegjelenítés

2010. augusztus 28., szombat

Calculations paradoxical-Korponai István

One one
see,not two
neither not three only an
that's right my friend
I lift up the day
easily and onto what
the light reaches here
I will not be
I will not be than it one
but on a constant price
I sell it thriving
my dream, which is true,
than the light
and intuition than
the darkness
lie than it
the creation himself
Under an apple tree guffawing
the saliva of a snake
and an apple see
embroils it in a sin
the world.
One one
see not two
not three only an
A unknown, which one
his essence
covers your dream
the occuring fragrance
the colour, eternally throbbing
your galactic world.

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